Kamis 11 Jul 2013 00:40 WIB

Pertamina prepares sufficent fuel outlets towards Eid

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A fuel truck passes a service station in Jakarta. State owned oil and gas company, PT Pertamina prepares 6,540 fuel outlets and 2,346 fuel tank fleets to serve the needs during Ramadan and Eid. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
A fuel truck passes a service station in Jakarta. State owned oil and gas company, PT Pertamina prepares 6,540 fuel outlets and 2,346 fuel tank fleets to serve the needs during Ramadan and Eid. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State owned oil and gas company, PT Pertamina prepares 6,540 fuel outlets and 2,346 fuel tank fleets to serve the needs during Ramadan and Eid. Pertamina also lauched canned Pertamax with volume of 5, 10 and 20 liters to supply customers.

"Premium use is expected to rise about 14 percent to 91,830 kiloliters (kl) of average daily distribution. Fuel oil and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is expected to increase in the period of 15 days before and after Eid," Vice President of Corporate Communication at Pertamina, Ali Mundakir said on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, demand of diesel is projected to drop to 38,628 kl per day or about five percent below the average of normal distribution. It is driven by the reduction in freight movement during the exodus. The increased activity of cooking during Ramadan and Eid this year will boost demand for LPG by 20 percent. 

Pertamina expects support from various parties, such as police to secure the distribution of fuel and LPG due to high potential of traffic jam during Eid. The police personnel will secure fuel terminals, gas stations, railways, oil pipelines, as well as giving priority the transport of fuel and LPG cars. 

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