Jumat 12 Jul 2013 00:59 WIB

Darkonih comes home in paralyzed state

Rep: Lilis Handayani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A woman holds a poster during a protest in Jakarta on violence against Indonesian female workers abroad. (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
A woman holds a poster during a protest in Jakarta on violence against Indonesian female workers abroad. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, INDRAMAYU - An Indonesian migrant worker, Darkonih (40 years), returned to Indonesia in paralyzed state. She also often suffers seizures. Darkonih is another darkside story of Indonesian workers abroad.

Didi Sugali, the son, said his mother returned to Indonesia on July 4, 2013. Previously, his mother worked as a housemaid in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia.

"When she left Indonesia, she was healthy," Sugali said on Thursday.

Darkonih went to Saudi Arabia through PT Zam Zam Perwita on July 5, 2010. In Riyadh, she worked at the home of Mafrah Hamoud Mafrah Al-Harbi family. After two years working with the family, Darkonih took leave to come back home on July 20, 2012. She lived for two months to rest in her hometown, Indramayu.

After two months, Darkonih decided to return to work at her employer's house. But entering the fourth month, Sugali was unable to contact Darkonih. He only found then that his mother returned to Indonesia and not healty.

According to hospital where Darkoning was being examined, the woman  suffered inflammation of the membrane of her brain. The hospital can only continue the recovery process by using medical reference from Riyadh hospital in Saudi. 


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