Rabu 17 Jul 2013 00:31 WIB

Police investigates riots during a boxing match in Papua

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Gilang Akbar Prambadi/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
This photo shows the interior of a stadium where more than a dozen of people were killed in a stampede after spectators rioted to protest a local boxer's loss, in Nabire, Papua province, Indonesia, Monday, July 15, 2013.
Foto: AP
This photo shows the interior of a stadium where more than a dozen of people were killed in a stampede after spectators rioted to protest a local boxer's loss, in Nabire, Papua province, Indonesia, Monday, July 15, 2013.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Police investigates riots occured after an amateur boxing match at Sports Stadium of Nabire, Papua last weekend. This incident caused 18 people died and 34 people were injured.

Police Chief Gen Timur Prafopo said police had guarded the location. There were 1,500 spectators in the match, while ideal capacity of stadium was only able to accomodate 800 people. About 250 security personnels were deployed, consisted of 100 personnel of Indonesian Armed Forces and the rest were police officers. Pradopo rejected the accusation that the sucrity guard did not have some anticipation before the chaos.  

"Police will conduct security audits related to the match. Currently, there are 13 witnesses are examined intensively, including event organizer. Please be patient waiting for the completed investigation," Pradopo said on Tuesday.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked police to thoroughly investigate and proceed the perpetrators. A total of 18 victims who had died in a stampede in the building because the two doors could not accomodate spectators to exit. 

The final boxing match in Nabire brought Yulianus Pigome, boxer from Sasana Mawa team, with Alpius Rumkoren from Sasana Persada team. The final match took place smoothly and attractive. There was no boxer who fell up to the last round. When a decision was announced, Rumkoren was declared as the winner. 

Police suspected that riots was sparked as Pigome supporters could not receive the decision. Riots finally was happened and took lives. 






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