Ahad 21 Jul 2013 00:49 WIB

MPs: Egyptian coup is bad example for democracy

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
An opponent of ousted President Mohammed Morsi holds up Islam's holy book Quran (right) and Christian cross to show unity during a rally at Tahrir square, in Cairo, Egypt, late Friday, July 19, 2013.
Foto: AP/Hussein Malla
An opponent of ousted President Mohammed Morsi holds up Islam's holy book Quran (right) and Christian cross to show unity during a rally at Tahrir square, in Cairo, Egypt, late Friday, July 19, 2013.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission I at the House of Representative, Mahfudz Siddiq said Egyptian military coup against President Mohammed Mursi is a bad example for emerging democracy in Arab region because Mursi was the elected president through a democratic process.

"Takeover of power in Egypt's democratic election process will only produce new chaos," the member of parliament from Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) said on Saturday.

Siddiq regretted military's interference on Mursi power because in democratic country, military should stay away from political process. He was pessimistic that the new leadership would creater better Egypt. 

An MP from Golkar Party, Tantowi Yahya, said Indonesia should also take a lesson from Egypt that there should be no power struggle with anarchist. He said that Indonesia expected Egypt to resolve the crisis soon. 

"I hope military can run government transition process smoothly. There must be no more victims," Yahya said.

Yahya believes that military coup is not part of Indonesian tradition. Indonesia, he said, respected hange of power in constitutional way. 




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