Rabu 31 Jul 2013 01:41 WIB

Vehicles influx to Suramadu to increase 10 percent

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Suramadu Bridge spans from Surabaya in East Java to Madura Island. The vehicle influx to the bridge this Eid al Fitr is expected to increase 10 percent compared to last year's. (illustration)
Suramadu Bridge spans from Surabaya in East Java to Madura Island. The vehicle influx to the bridge this Eid al Fitr is expected to increase 10 percent compared to last year's. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANGKALAN - Management of Suramadu (Surabaya-Madura) bridge estimated two and four whelled vehicles influx to Suramadu bridge in current Eid al-Fitr would increase by 10 percent compared to the last year. Head of Suramadu Bridge Gate, Suharyono said this increase estimation was based on experiences of homecoming season last year.

"Vehicles influx to Suramadu bridge on Lebaran day is estimated to reach 95 thousand units," Suharyono said on Tuesday.

In homecoming season in the last year, number of vehicles that passing through the longest bridge in Southeast Asia about 80 thousand units. It consisted of 70 percent of two wheeled vehicles and 30 percent of four wheeled vehicles. 

To facilitate Eid's homecoming, manager plans to add booth of ticket purchases for two-wheeled vehicles and also implement an integrated system of ticket sales. This is conducted to minimize vehicle queueing ticket booths. 

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