Kamis 15 Aug 2013 08:53 WIB

KPK eyes corruption cases in four sectors

Rep: Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
KPK arrests Head of Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini, on Tueaday night and finds 700 thousand USD at this residence. (illustration)
Foto: Reuters
KPK arrests Head of Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini, on Tueaday night and finds 700 thousand USD at this residence. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Commission (KPK) eyes corruption in four sectors with oil and gas sector as the main target while the others are agriculture, forestry and fishery. Oil and gas sector becomes the maih target after KPK caught the Head of Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini, red handed on Tueaday night.

Spokesman of KPK, Johan Budi said KPK also arrested four men suspected involved in oil and gas corruption, including a representatives of US Company, Kernel Oil.

"Availability of gas in oil and gas sector affects food security as it is related to fertilizer supply. KPK asked ministries and related state agencies to conduct study of state's loss prevention on oil and gas sector," Budi said on Wednesday.

Based on State Officials' Wealth Report (LHKPN), Rubiandini has total assets of eight billion IDR and 21,060 USD. The last time Rudi reported his assets on March 11, 2013. 



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