Sabtu 31 Aug 2013 13:34 WIB

Imported beef scandal drags a close acquintance of the president

Rep: A Syalaby Ichsan/Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Ridwan Hakim answers the fudge's question at Anti Corruption Court (Tipikor) in Jakarta, recently. Hakim is the son of Hilmi Aminuddin Chairman of Advisory Board of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Ridwan Hakim answers the fudge's question at Anti Corruption Court (Tipikor) in Jakarta, recently. Hakim is the son of Hilmi Aminuddin Chairman of Advisory Board of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Imported beef scandal has dragged someone familiar with the Presidential Palace and allegedly a close acquintance of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. It was revealed in a conversation between Ridwan Hakim as a witness and Ahmad Fathanah as a defendant in this case.

The recording was played at Anti Corruption Court (Tipikor) in Jakarta on August 29. That conversation discussed that President Director of PT Indoguna (Mary Elizabeth Liman) had arrears worth 40 billion IDR related beef import quotas. 

Fathanah was heard said that Liman just told him the arrears had been paid. Hakim said that he had not known anything about the money. 

"It's done. The 40 billiion IDR was sent through Sengman and Hendra," Fathanah firmly said.    

Fathanah also mentioned "Engkong" (grandfather -Ed) in his recorded conversation and he said Engkong had met Liman. According to Hakim, Engkong referred to his father, Hilmi Aminuddin, Chairman of Advisory Board of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). 

The judge then asked about Sengman and Hendra. Hakim answered, "As far as I know, Sengman is a close acquintance of Mr President" and Hendra was Sengman's righthand man. Hakim said that he had explained all the details in an investigation report at Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

According to National Police's website, the man known as Sengman Tjahja, has a close relationship with the President and the First Lady, Any Yudhoyono. It is reported that the president and the First Lady attended the wedding ceremony of Karen Tjahja (probably the daughter of Tjahja and Slandy Karlam) in 2008.


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