Sabtu 31 Aug 2013 15:04 WIB

The use of diesel fuel must contain at least 10 percent of biodiesel

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Biodiesel (ilustrasi)
Biodiesel (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Diesel fuel must contain at least 10 percent biodiesel. It must be applied by all parties, both state owned electricity firm (PLN) and various modes of transportation vehicles. 

It is based on regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources toimplement government's economic policy package in addressing economic turmoil. "This Ministerial Regulation is a revision of regulation No. 32/2008. Regulation of biofuel and biodiesel programs consist of three segments," Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Susilo Siswoutomo said recently.

First, use of biodiesel for transport vehicles will be increased from 7.5 percent to 10 percent. Need of diesel fuel for transport vehicles reach 17 million kiloliters (kl), so the implementation of new regulation will save diesel fuel at least 1.7 million kl. Second, use of diesel fuel for PLN has now reached six million kl. PLN must mix 20 percent biodiesel, so it can save diesel fuel at least 1.2 million kl.

Third, companies of public service obligations (PSOs) and nonPSOs have to use 10 percent of biodiesel to save at least 90 thousand barrels per day. This regulation will reduce oil import and fuel consumption. 


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