Kamis 05 Sep 2013 23:53 WIB

Rizal Ramli: Sengman a longtime supporter of Yudhoyono

Rep: Bilal Ramadan/Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The police's site mentions President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attends the wedding of Sengman's daughter. (file photo)
Foto: polri.go.id
The police's site mentions President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attends the wedding of Sengman's daughter. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former minister of finance Rizal Ramli revealed that Sengman Tjahja knew and supported President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono financially for long time. 

Sengman, the close acquintance of the president, is mentioned related to imported beef scandal which involves former chairman of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). 

"I'm feeling sorry for Sengman. He actually has close relationship to Yudhoyono and his family. But, the Palace said that the President did not know him," Ramli said recently.

Rizal said that Sengman had provided  many services to SBY and his family. Many people in Palembang, South Sumatra said Sengman knew Yudhoyono long time before he became a president, when Yudhoyono served as Sriwijaya Military Regional Commander in 1996-1997.

Sengman also attended graduation day of Agus Harimurti, the eldest son of Yudhoyono at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore on July 2008. President also attended weeding reception of Sengman's daughter, Karen Tjahja in Jakarta in October 2008.

Earlier, Presidential Spokesman, Julian Aldrin Pasha, said there was no relationship between Sengman and Yudhoyono. He denied that Sengman was a close acquintance of President. 

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