Selasa 17 Sep 2013 12:18 WIB

Urbaningrum is pessimistic over Democratic Party convention

Rep: Dyah Ratna Meta Novia/Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Former Chairman of Democratic Party, Anas Urbaningrum (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supri
Former Chairman of Democratic Party, Anas Urbaningrum (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former Chairman of Democratic Party, Anas Urbaningrum expressed his pessimism over the result of Democratic Party convention. He predicted that without any political improvement within the party then whoever the winner in the convention would find it difficult to win 2014 presidential election.

"Whoever the winner will find it be difficult to compete with presidential candidates from other parties," Urbaningrum said recently in Jakarta. "Current political situation is not easy for Democratic Party. Presidential convention will not bring any improvement to image of the party," Urbaningrum said.

Urbaningrum is allegedly involved in corruption case of Hambalang. The case has also pulled some other high ranking officials of the ruling party, including then minister of youth and sport, Andi Malarangeng, who then resigned from the position.

One of candidates of the convention, Retired General Pramono Edhi Wibowon, said he wasn't surprised about Urbaningrum's comment. He believes that issue of electability potentially change in the 2014 election. 

"All is God's secret. Yudhoyono had only three percent in the previous election, but his electability kept rising and look, he is still our president now," Wibowo said.

Wibowo rejected the notion that Democratic Party build a dynasty within. He emphasized that Democratic Party was an open party.

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