Sabtu 19 Oct 2013 01:25 WIB

Sutarman appointed as Indonesia's new national police chief

Rep: Mutia Ramadhan/Antara/ Red: Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari
Foto: Antara/Andika Wahyu

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Com. General Sutarman was officially appointed as  the new Indonesia's Police Chief to replace Gen Timur Pradopo after a unanimous confirmation vote in the People's Legislative Council.

Sutarman believed his appointment was not only a simple mandate, but a huge obligation to improve the quality of police force in the future instead.

"It is a big commitment, which I must carry to develop Indonesian Police," said Sutarman said after underwent fit and proper test in Legislative Council on Thursday.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had nominated Sutarman as new National Police Chief to Parliamentary Commision on Legal Affairs (Commission III)

After 12 hours process of assesment, Commision III finally approved Sutarman's bid on Thursday.

Sutarman expressed his grateful to his predecessor, Gen Timur Pradopo, all ranks of policemen and Indonesian people. He promised more transparency on police institution and stated his readines to make extensive coordination with institutions and law enforcement agencies outside the police force

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