Kamis 24 Oct 2013 12:01 WIB

Three species of eagle migrate to Indonesia

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 If the Arctic ice melts due to climate change, Indonesia is potentially affected. (illustration)
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
If the Arctic ice melts due to climate change, Indonesia is potentially affected. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG -- ProFauna, an animal protection charity in Indonesia recorded that there were three species of eagle being migrated to Indonesia due climate change in Arctic region. The three eagles are difficult to get some food there. 

ProFauna observer, Made Astuti said the three eagles consisted of Alap-Alap China (Accipiter soloensis), Alap-Alap Nippon (Accipiter gularis), and Elang Sikep Madu Asia (Pernis ptilorhynchus).

"It is winter in Northern hemisphere, so the three eagle species looking for warm places to find food," Astuti said recently. 

Accipiter soloensis originally comes from China. The groups, which migrated to Indonesia followed a route from China to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Riau, Jambi, Palembang (South Sumatra), Lampung, Java and then East Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi. Accipiter soloensis' groups are usually settling in Sulawesi. All of them migrated to Indonesia as tropical country which has many types of foods. 

Eagle can help to control agricultural pests, such as snakes, rats, squirrels and other types of insects, including grasshoppers. In one stop location, eagle groups will stay for two days. After that, they will continue their trips to the different locations.

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