Jumat 25 Oct 2013 12:45 WIB

Govt to return smuggled orangutans

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Lindungi orang utan (ilustrasi)
Lindungi orang utan (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Ministry of Forestry will combat Orangutan smuggling activity. Smuggling caused many Orangutans found abroad.

"Government will find out and record number of Orangutans abroad. We hope they can be returned to Indonesia," Director of Biodiversity Conservation in Ministry of Forestry, Bambang Novianto said when visited Sumatran Orangutan Quarantine Centre, North Sumatra recently.

Number of Sumatran and Bornean orangutans abroad refers to their existence in Malacca, Malaysia and Thailand. Three Sumatran orangutans have been returned from Malaysia. The ministry is seeking to return 12 Bornean orangutans in Thailand.

Existence of Orangutans in Malaysia was known after Malacca zoo sent a letter to Indonesian government. The reason, they were no longer able to take care of it.

To maintain Orangutan sustainability, Ministry of Forestry conducted a program to increase the animal population of three percent from 2010 to 2014. Manager of Sumatran Orangutan Quarantine Centre, Yenny Saraswati said that the three Orangutans from Malaysia had received medical treatment.

The result, they have no health problems. The three Sumatran orangutans will be released soon into Jambi forest. Sumatran Orangutan Quarantine Centre accommodates at least 50 confiscated Orangutans from public.

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