Kamis 31 Oct 2013 12:57 WIB

Jokowi asks officials to report their wealth

Rep: Endah Hapsari/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Jakarta governor Jokowi (right with red scarf) join the Jakarta Night Religious Festival parade on Monday, Oktober 14, 2013
Jakarta governor Jokowi (right with red scarf) join the Jakarta Night Religious Festival parade on Monday, Oktober 14, 2013

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- JAKARTA - About 52 percent of officials in Jakarta City Government have not submitted their wealth reports to Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo asked them to immediately do it. He said that the officials had not yet reported it as many of them had recently been appointed. 

"I ask all new head of department and newly appointed head of agency to give their wealth reports soon," Jokowi said recently.

Director of Registration and Inspection Commission in State Officials' Wealth Report (LHKPN), Cahya Hardianto Harefa explained that only 38 percent officials who had reported their wealth to KPK. He asked governor and deputy governor to follow up this issues.

LHKPN is a basis to supervise, monitor and control performance of officials in order to run in the right corridor. It aims to prevent corruption early.

"Governance of regional administration that has good [record] will not to be tainted with corruption. It is required to prevent corruption," Harefa said. 

Harefa said that governance of regional administration in Jakarta was pretty good. Index of Jakarta reaches 6.37 percent, while national average at 5.7 percent. 

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