Kamis 31 Oct 2013 23:50 WIB

Bali's economy predicted to grow 6.7 percent

Pariwisata Bali (ilustrasi)
Foto: antara
Pariwisata Bali (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- Bali's economy is predicted to grow 6.7 percent this year driven by investment in the tourism and infrastructure sector.

In the first nine months of this year investment reached Rp28.78 trillion in Bali dominated by investment in the tourism and infrastructure sectors.

Investment in the tourism and infrastructure sector accounted for 60 percent of the total investment in Bali, head of the provincial office of the Central Bureau of Statistic Gede Suarjana said.

"With the new investment, Bali is set to chalk up a 6.7 percent growth in economy this year," Gede Suarjana said here on Thursday.

The investment included Rp6 trillion in foreign direct investment, Rp16.65 trillion by Indonesian private companies and Rp6.13 trillion by the government.

"The investment by the government included Rp3.32 trillion in spending from the state budget and Rp719 billion spending from the provincial budget and Rp2.08 trillion spending by the district/city administration," Gede Suarjana said.

The estimate of investment by the private sector was based on investment credit by the private sector, he added.

A smaller part of the investment was used in the agricultural sector including animal husbandry and fishery, he said.

Investment in the fishery sector was mainly for the provision of fishing boats, he said.

He said the agricultural sector is included in the priority list for development in Bali but investors are still more interested in the tourism sector.

He said it is necessary to modernize infrastructure in the agricultural sector to attract investors to the sector.

sumber : Antara
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