Selasa 05 Nov 2013 23:24 WIB

Bekasi to build four water absorption places

Tap water (illustration)
Tap water (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEKASI -- The Bekasi city administration will build four rain water absorption places until 2014 to cope with flooding.

The water absorption places would function to absorb water and prevent flooding in rainy season and as a water reservoir in dry season, head of the city Bina Marga and Water Management office Tri Adhiyanto said.

So far only one of the four planned has been in the process of construction in the Galaxy housing complex in South Bekasi, Tri said here on Tuesday.

The 2.5 hectare place was formerly an angling recreation center in Galaxy Bekasi, he said, adding it is being built and financed by the housing developer.

Tri said the plan is to build three more water absorption places each in Karang Kitri of East Bekasi, Pengasinan of Rawalumbu, and Aren Jaya of East Bekasi.

"The one to be built in Pengasinan will occupy a 5,000 sq. meter plot of land to be built in 2014. The location is already available," he said.

The one to be built in Aren Jaya will also need 5,000 hectare of land but not yet available.

In Karang Kitri, land has been cleared for the location of the rain water reservoir, Tri said, adding it is ready for construction.

He said the rain water absorption places are expected to help cope with flooding that hit a wide area of the city every year.

The city administration also plan to build a water reservoir at Jalan Kartini, South Bekasi to cost Rp125 billion complete with water pumps, he added.

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