Ahad 10 Nov 2013 14:28 WIB

Yudhoyono sends his condolences to victims of army's helicopter crashes

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Helikopter Mi-17 milik TNI AD.
Foto: Antara
Helikopter Mi-17 milik TNI AD.

REPUBLIKA.CO. JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sends his condolences to victims of accident of helicopter of MI-17 belong to Indonesian Army, which crashed in Malinau, North Kalimantan on Saturday. All victims are going to build a border shelter.

"I express my deep sorrow over the death of soldiers and civilians in helicopter of MI-17," Yudhoyono said in his Twitter account on Saturday night.

About 13 passengers of helicopter were killed, while six others injured in crash of MI-17 helicopter owned by the Army in border region of Indonesia and Malaysia, Malinau District, North Borneo. Head Department of Information in Indonesian Army, Brig Gen Rukman Ahmad explained that MI-17 helicopter swerved before landing to helipad at Bulan Desa Long Jelet.

About 300 meters from the helipad, helicopter swerved and crashed in ravine of mountains with an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. MI-17 helicopter then was caught fire after falling. Thirteen people dead are Capt Wahyu Ramdan, Capt Czi Sardi, Agung Budiarjo, Rohmad, Aan Prayitno, Desi, Wahyu, Belong Lenggang,  Lingling, Asun, Sam, Ging and Rodest. While six survivors are Sergeant Joko Karsono, PFC Tigor MT Siburian,  MenDan, Albert, Fredy and Njuk. The six have been taken to Navy Hospital of Tarakan, North Kalimantan. 

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