Senin 18 Nov 2013 13:19 WIB

Indonesia has huge potential of nuclear energy

Rep: Agung Sasongko/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Peserta Workshop Teknologi Keselamatan PLTN berkunjung ke Reaktor Serba Guna GA Siwabessy (19/
Peserta Workshop Teknologi Keselamatan PLTN berkunjung ke Reaktor Serba Guna GA Siwabessy (19/

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SERPONG - Indonesia is ready to use nuclear energy based on human resources capacity and natural resources. Unfortunately, Head of Center for Multipurpose Reactor GA Siwabessy Serpong, Alim Tarin said that nuclear energy has yet to be accepted by large society as the fears and negative impact of nuclear issues.

"I really hope that people are not easily affected by nuclear issues that dangerous," Tarin said recently.

Tarin explained that nuclear energy was not a dangerous thing. For case of nuclear reactor in Japan, the damage was not caused by the presence of nuclear reactor, but from tsunami. In line with development and technological advancement, safety of nuclear power will surely be improved in near future.

Multipurpose Reactor GA Siwabessy Serpong that was established in 1987 by 2nd President of Indonesia, Soeharto is still pretty good. It is already 26 year old and will still operate well up to next 20 years.

Mutipurpose Reactor in Serpong was built for some purposes, such as research, product testing and radioisotop materials. Tarin explained that comparison of nuclear energy sources, namely uranium. Every one gram of uranium equals to two tonnes of coal. It has substantial opportunities to overcome energy crisis in Indonesia. 

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