Rabu 20 Nov 2013 02:34 WIB

Indonesia's nuclear scientist won 2013 Habibie Awards

Ainun Habibie Awards (ilustrasi)
Foto: acara-acara.com
Ainun Habibie Awards (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Four Indonesian scientists on Tuesday were presented with the 2013 Habibie Awards by the Habibie Center for their contribution to the development of science in Indonesia.

"Today, four Indonesian academicians were presented with the Habibie Award XV," Executive Director of The Habibie Center Rahimah Abdulrahim said here on the 14th anniversary of the Habibie Center on Tuesday.

The first award winner is Dr. Anto Sulaksono, an expert on basic science and theoretical nuclear physics at the University of Indonesia.

Sulaksono's research has helped provide answers to key questions in the fields of nuclear structure and material, and neutron stars.

The second recipient is Irwandi Jaswir, a professor of medical science and biotechnology.

Jaswir is a pioneer of halal science and has published 63 studies in international scientific journals.

Jaswir was also one of the recipients of the 2010 Asia Pasific Young Scientist Awards.

The third winner is Prof. Dr.Mohammad Nasikin, an expert on engineering science.

The professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Indonesia has published numerous scientific works in international journals.

Nasikin is also the inventor of the patented BioPower, an additive substance for diesel oil that reduces diesel oil consumption by 10 percent.

The fourth recipient is Prof.Dr. Abdul Hadi Wiji Muthari, a professor of religion and philosopy at Paramadina University.

Muthari is known as an eloquent speaker on Islamic culture and its relation with society and other cultures.

The Habibie Center was established in 1999 by former Indonesian President B.J. Habibie and his family as an independent non-governmental organization. Its vision is modernization and democratization based on morality and cultural integrity in Indonesia.

Some of the Habibie Center's main programs are the National Violence Monitoring System and the ASEAN Studies Program.

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