Jumat 06 Dec 2013 03:05 WIB

Several countries support Sumatran Tiger conservation

Sumatran tiger or Panthera tigris sumatrae is a critically engdangered species (photo file).
Foto: biolib.cz
Sumatran tiger or Panthera tigris sumatrae is a critically engdangered species (photo file).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- The environmental organization Greenpeace pointed out that at least 44 countries have shown support for saving the Sumatran tiger from extinction through a conservation effort.

"We have chosen Indonesia as the host for 'Tiger Manifesto,' this year's conservation program," revealed Putri Bulan, a member of Greenpeace, here on Thursday.

Putri had conducted a theatrical rally, using tiger costumes, in front of the Governor's office at Pekanbaru City.

Putri and other members of Greenpeace held a banner that read, "Bali Tiger extinct in 1937; Java Tiger in 1980. So, when will the Sumatran Tiger get extinct?"

She noted that the Sumatran tiger has become the moral responsibility of the Indonesians.

"The 'Tiger Manifesto' program is supported by 44 countries and will be held on Dec.15, 2013, in ten regions of Indonesia such as Padang, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Bali, Manokwari, and in another place in Papua," explained Putri.

The Riau WWF noted that the Sumatran tiger population is at 400.

The WWF stated that the population is decreasing due to oil palm and industrial plantations that have been occupying the habitat for the last two years.

The Forestry Affairs Ministry data revealed at least 1.24 million hectares of forests, including two-thirds of the Sumatran Tiger's habitat had changed between 2009 and 2011.

The WWF urged the government to decrease deforestation and avoid poaching Sumatran tigers.

The Greenpeace License to Kill noted that the land clearing for oil palm plantations and forest destruction in Tesso Nilo National Park lead to the extinction of the tiger.

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