Selasa 10 Dec 2013 14:15 WIB

MoF optimistic RFID controls fuel consumption

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Pemasangan RFID di SPBU Pertamina
Foto: Fian Firatmaja/ROL
Pemasangan RFID di SPBU Pertamina

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Application of a fuel control and monitoring system with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is believed to keep volume of fuel consumption in state budget 2014. Head of Center for Budget Policy in Fiscal Policy Office (BKF), Rofianto Kurniawan said that RFID on four wheel vehicles could control fuel consumption.

"Fuel quota will keep 48 million kiloliters. We hope that RFID can halt the increase in fuel consumption," Kurniawan said recently.

Government allocated volume of subsidized fuel at 48 million KL or budget of 210.7 trillion. In the first half 2013, consumption of subsidized fuel reached 22.74 KL, still below target of mid-year state budget 2013 reached 24 million KL. It is caused the fuel price hikes in June 2013. Fuel consumption is estimated at 47.5 million KL until the end of the year.

There are some other instruments drafted to control fuel consumption. However, Kurniawan said that it still needed more studies. Government still commits to keep the volume.

Expert Staff of Government Expenditures, Boediarso Teguh Widodo said that government was expected to spent budget of 223.88 trillion IDR for subsidized fuel in the end of the year. This realization increased from year to year. In 2011, the realization reached 165.1 trillion IDR or 127.3 percent of budget. In 2012, the figure reached 211.8 trillion IDR or 154.2 percent of budget.

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