Senin 16 Dec 2013 19:16 WIB

Floods inundate more than one thousand houses in Bandung

  Two heavy equiptments dredge as a part of flood prevention in Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/M Agung Rajasa
Two heavy equiptments dredge as a part of flood prevention in Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Floods have inundated 1.6 thousand houses in Dayeuhkolot, Bandung district, W. Java province, after the Citarum river breached its banks on Sunday.

"At least 1,600 houses were inundated in Dayeuhkolot sub-district. We are still collecting information about the number of houses that have been flooded in Baleendah. There are at least three thousand residences in Baleendah, which are vulnerable to flooding," said the coordinator for the Local Disaster Mitigation Team (Tagana), Dadang Wahidin, here on Monday.

Dadang pointed out that at least 464 families were evacuated to safer locations because of the floods.

He noted that nine evacuation shelters have been established to help people, namely the Dayeuhkolot Administration building, Pasawahan hall, the Pasawahan 8 Elementary School building, Al Amanah mosque, Al Hilal mosque, P.L.N. mosque and the Dayeuhkolot Military Rayon office.

The heavy rains since Sunday have caused the Citarum River to overflow its banks, leading to floods in Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah.

"We noted that there were heavy rains in at least 30 sub-districts in the Bandung area on Sunday. There were heavy rains from 12.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.," Dadang added.

The overflowing Citarum River also disrupted routes between Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah.

"The route between Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah has been disrupted since Sunday 8.00 p.m.," said Dadang.

The police have diverted access between Baleendah and Ciparay to Bojong Soang and Siliwangi streets.

sumber : Antara
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