Selasa 17 Dec 2013 03:50 WIB

House of graft suspect searched by KPK

Juru Bicara KPK Johan Budi (kanan) didampingi penyidik Novel Baswedan
Foto: Yasin Habibi/Republika
Juru Bicara KPK Johan Budi (kanan) didampingi penyidik Novel Baswedan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has searched the house of a kickback suspect for document connected with a land certificate falsification case in Praya, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Lusita Ani Razak has been charged with bribing head of the Praya, prosecution office M. Subri SK, who handled the case.

"Last night KPK searched Lusita's house in West Jakarta in connection with her bribing prosecutor Subri in Praya," KPK spokesman Johan Budi said on Monday.

KPK confiscates a bundle of documents from the house believed to be linked to the case, Johan said.

KPK caught Lusita red handed on Saturday together with M Subri SK at a Senggigi hotel room in Lombok and confiscated Rp213 million worth of fund from them in US dollar and rupiah.

KPK then brought them to Jakarta to be put in the KPK detention house.

Lusita was charged with bribing Subri to fix the case of against Sugiharta alias Along as a suspect.

The Praya prosecution already demanded a two years' imprisonment for suspect Sugiharta alias Along in a court session last month.

Lusita is a director of PT Pantai Aan under Bambang Wiratmadji Soeharto. Bambang, a political party official has been banned by KPK from leaving the country.

The company reported Along to the authorities accusing him of falsifying land certificate over land the company claimed as its own.

The company planned to build a hotel over the 4.3 hectare land.

Deputy chairman of KPK Bambang Widjojanto said the anti graft agency found indication of involvement of other people in the case.

Lusita and Subri might not be the only perpetrators in the bribery case, Bambang Widjojanto said.

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