Kamis 26 Dec 2013 00:01 WIB

Investigate old cases, Attorney General urged

Politisi PDIP Eva Kusuma Sundari (kiri)
Foto: antara
Politisi PDIP Eva Kusuma Sundari (kiri)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A lawmaker Eva Kusuma Sundari urged the attorney general office to continue investigation of long delayed case of the privatization of PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT).

Two suspects were already named in the case in 2000, but apparently the process of investigation had been put off for not clear reason.

"I suspect that the attorney general office did not dare to issue SP3 (order to stop investigation) because the evidence is too strong," she said.

The Attorney General office should evaluate delayed cases and will immediately continue the process to be ready to go to court, the lawmaker from the Commission III of the House of Representati8ve said here on Thursday.

She said there are a number of corruption cases left unsettled although a number of suspects had been named among related officials.

She questioned the steps taken by the attorney general office in handling the Rp12.9 billion corruption case of PT JICT left unsettled for years.

The Junior Attorney General in charge of special criminal cases already named two suspects in the case identified as TA and H under a a letter No: Print-70/F/Fkp.1/06/2000 on 2 June, 2000.

sumber : Antara
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