Selasa 07 Jan 2014 11:21 WIB

Nineteen Somalis sent to Medan immigration detention center

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Police line. Ilustrasi
Foto: .
Police line. Ilustrasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- A total of 19 Somali nationals, along with other foreigners who illegally arrived in Indonesia, have been sent to the Medan immigration detention center at the Belawan seaport, North Sumatra province, an immigration official has said.

"Hundreds of foreigners have been detained at the Medan immigration detention center," the head of the city's detention center, Herdaus, announced here on Monday.

According to him, foreigners who are currently at the city's detention center include those from Bangladesh (12 people), Palestine (34), Myanmar (43), Somalia (19), Sri Lanka (43), Iran (28), Sudan (16), Eritrya (four), South Africa (one), Pakistan (11), Taiwan (one), Malaysia (one) and Nepal (one).

The foreigners arrived in Indonesia without the necessary documents, Herdaus pointed out.

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