Senin 20 Jan 2014 14:21 WIB

Indonesia loss billions due to flood

A horse pulls a carriage in a flooded street in Jakarta on Monday, Jan. 13, 2014.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
A horse pulls a carriage in a flooded street in Jakarta on Monday, Jan. 13, 2014.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Industrial Estate Association Sanny Iskandar stated that industry looses tens of billions of rupiah due to floods that hit several areas in Greater Jakarta since Friday (Jan. 17).

"Since Friday, we estimate that the losses due to the floods reached tens of billions. Losses were caused by the unattainable target of production and also the materials and goods distribution obstacles," Sanny Iskandar pointed out in Jakarta on Monday.

Sanny explained that the target of production was unattainable since workers could not manage to come to work either due to their own homes getting inundated, or due to damaged and blocked roads.

While the distribution obstacles, according to Sanny , were caused by the flooding that happened on the roads to the plant as well as at the ports, disrupting supply of materials and goods.

"The distribution of goods to the Port of Tanjung Priok was disrupted, and so was the supply of the materials from the port to the industrial estate. It was all because of the flooding around Jakarta, Tangerang, Marunda, bekasi, Cikarang and Karawang," he explained.

Sanny added that the industrialists received a number of complaints from customers about delayed delivery of goods as well as the targets not being met.

According to Sanny, there are 62 industrialist members of HKI throughout Indonesia, out of which, a total of 20 industrialists were scattered around Greater Jakarta.

Sanny stated that the industrialists do not expect any incentives from the government. However, he expressed hope that the government will take steps to combat flooding with some anticipatory actions such as prohibiting the constructions of houses along the river banks and dredging of the rivers to avoid siltation.

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