Kamis 06 Feb 2014 17:06 WIB

Corby's parole violates immigration law

Rep: Ahmad Islamy Jamil/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Schapelle Leight Corby
Foto: Firdia Lisnawati/AP
Schapelle Leight Corby

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The parole process to convicted Australian drug smuggler, Schapelle Leigh Corby can be justified if reviewed from Rehabilitation Law and Criminal Law. However, it contradicts to other law and regulation.

"It especially violates Law No.6/2011 on Immigration," Chairman of Anti-Narcotics Movement (Granat), Henry Yosodiningrat as reported by Ahmad Islamy Jamil on Wednesday.

As foreign citizen, Corby no longer has a legal permit to stay in Indonesia. Based on Immigration Law, if the woman is released from sentence, she must be repatriated to her country. Other option, Corby must stay in immigration detention house in Indonesia before being deported to Australia.

"The question is, where will she live after that? It must be explained by Ministry of Justice and Human rights transparently as this case has became a part of government's authority, not the court," Yosodiningrat said.

He added, if Corby's parole was not followed by administrative sanction, namely deportation or her placement in a detention house, then government had violated the Immigration Law. Not only that, it will also hurt the spirit of Indonesian community to fight narcotics.

Corby was arrested at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, Bali, in October 2004 for smuggling 4.2 kilograms of marijuana into Indonesia. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison and is currently detained at Kerobokan Penitentiary in Bali.

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