Selasa 11 Feb 2014 13:44 WIB

Ten die of generator gas leakage

Police line. Ilustrasi
Foto: .
Police line. Ilustrasi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEKASI -- Five persons died, believed to have inhaled poisonous gas at a health clinic after its generator caught fires in East Bekasi, West Java, on Tuesday morning.

"There are nine residents who become victims of the incident. Five of them died. Residents said the victims were found at 7 a.m," Bekasi Kota Police headquarters Spokesman Adj. Comnr Siswo said.

The incident took place at the Sapta Mirtra clinic, Ruko 8F, in Jalan Raya Pondok Timur, Pengasinan Bekasi.

Witnesses said there was power outage at midnight. "One of the employees tried to turn on the generator because it was dark," he said.

He said that the dead victims were doctor Friska (25), M Zamroni (19), Ani Dwi Praswiri (25), Desi Purnomo (21), and Slamet Afriana (21).

The victims who were saved from the incident were Siti Nurjanah (21), Hendra Rukmanto (17), Ifa Riana Dewi (19), and Drawat Santi Siwi (19).

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