Ahad 02 Mar 2014 17:37 WIB

Minister: JSS executive agency formed soon

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Djoko Kirmanto
Foto: Antara/Andika Wahyu
Djoko Kirmanto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto explained that government would soon form the Executive Agency that would be responsible to The Sunda Strait Bridge (Indonesian: Jembatan Selat Sunda, JSS) project. He ensured that all matters related to the construction of the bridge had been prepared and it would be carried out based on Presidential Decree No. 86/2011 of Regional Development and Infrastructure Strategic Sunda Strait.

"We still use regulation that has been running. Construction of Sunda Strait Bridge is very important," Kirmanto said on Wednesday.

The Executive Agency has the task to prepare and establish development plan, to develop program and make adjustment according to feasibility studies on development of strategic areas and infrastructures of Sunda Strait Bridge. Later, the delegation receives a portion of government and local government authority, facility of one stop service for licensing, coordinating with relevant agencies, as well as preparing the land acquisition plan and manage the development of agency's budget.

"There should be the implementing agency as they would sign a contract with private executive agency. We should go on this bridge as it is very necessary and part of MP3EI," Kirmanto added.

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