Senin 10 Mar 2014 00:06 WIB

President to open new airport in Nunukan

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Map of Nunukan, an area at the border between Indonesia and Malaysia
Map of Nunukan, an area at the border between Indonesia and Malaysia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to officially open new airport in Long Bawang, Nunukan district, a border area in region of East Kalimantan, which bordered to East Malaysia.

"The airport project is almost completed. Currently, we will put additional layer on the airport runway," Head of Department of Transportation in East Kalimantan, Zairin Zain said recently.

President plans to come to Samarinda on June 18-23, 2014. He will also open the ceremony of Appropriate Technology Exhibition. The president will also open Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan, PT Pupuk Kaltim V in Bontang, Special Economic Zone of Maloy in East Kutai and a power plant in Mahakam.

President is also scheduled to open the first construction of Borneo Institute of Technology and also Institute of Indonesian Arts campus. The other projects are construction of sea pipeline by Total E&P Indonesie to support the operation of PT Pupuk Kaltim V, as well as the construction of port cargo in cooperation with Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC). 

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