Senin 10 Mar 2014 17:01 WIB

Visibility in W Sumatera Only 50-900 Meters: BMKG

Haze limits visibility in some area in Indonesia forest fire or land clearing using fire, last year.
Foto: Antara/Untung Setiawan
Haze limits visibility in some area in Indonesia forest fire or land clearing using fire, last year.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- The visibility across various regions in West Sumatera Province on Monday morning was 50 to 900 meters due to smoke covering the atmosphere, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Board (BMKG) of Ketaping Padang reported.

"The worst areas are Payakumbuh with visibility less than 50 meters, while visibility in Bukittinggi reached 100 meters, Sicincin (500 meters), and Padang 700 to 800 meters," Forecaster Analyst of BMKG of Padang Rendy Irawady stated here on Monday.

Rendy added that the smoke that covered West Sumatera was from Pekanbaru, Riau Province that has been blown by the wind. The smoke management depends on the efforts taken in Pekanbaru.

According to him, dry conditions and no rainfalls in Pekanbaru have the potential to worsen the smoke.

"If there are no rains in Pekanbaru, the smoke in the West Sumatera atmosphere will not disappear," he clarified.

He urged people to use masks while stepping out of their homes in order to avoid being affected by the smoke.

Meanwhile, the visibility at Minangkabau International Airport in Padangpariaman was reported to be 900 meters, still safe for flight activities.

Operational manager of PT Angkasa Pura II of Minangkabau International Airport Joko Sudarmanto stated that the flights were operating normally.

sumber : Antara
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