Jumat 28 Mar 2014 10:49 WIB

Health minister reported to KPK for alleged corruption

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Nafsiah Mboi
Foto: Widodo S. Jusuf/Antara
Nafsiah Mboi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Clean Indonesia Movement (GIB) reported Health minister, Nafsiah Mboi to Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) related to alleged corruption in the state institution. GIB chairman, Adhie Massardi said that he also reported several state officials in Ministry of Health, namely Health Ministry's secretary-general (Supriyantoro), Director General for Health Effort (Akmal Taher) and Director General of Diseases Control and Environmental Sanitation (Tjandra Yoga Aditama).

"We saw that one of corruption centers in Indonesia is Ministry of Health, beside Ministry of Education and Culture," Massardi said recently.

GIB spokesman, Lamen Hendra Saputra said that there was 594 billion IDR of state losses due to corruption in health sector and 294.1 billion IDR occured at health ministry. About 93 percent corruptions in health ministry were occurred in form of curative programs, such as procurement of medical equipment, medicines vaccines, hospital rehabilitation and laboratory development.

There are many abuses in curative programs, especially budget markups. Meanwhile, KPK spokesman, Johan Budi said that the institution appreciated any reporting including testimony of witnesses and suspects.

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