Rabu 02 Apr 2014 23:41 WIB

Gas deficit declines, trade balance rises

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian trade balance (NPI) in February 2014 experienced a surplus, based on Statistic Indonesia (BPS) data. Bank Indonesia (BI) assessed it would give a positive impact in efforts to reduce current account deficit to be more healthy. Indonesian balance of payment recorded a surplus of 0.79 billion USD after a deficit of 0.45 billion USD in January 2014.

"We hope that the trade balance can continue to record positive," Director of Communication Department in BI, Peter Jacobs said recently as reported by Ichsan Emrald Alamsyah.

Trade surplus in February 2014 was also influenced by the decline of oil and gas trade balance deficit, from 1.05 billion USD in January 2014 to 0.80 billion USD in February 2014. This development was mainly influenced by oil and gas exports, which grew 6.34 percent month to month (mtm), driven by higher oil lifting in February 2014 reaching 838 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

Oil imports fell 2.61 percent mtm influenced by the decline of oil imports 11.56 percent mtm in February 2014.

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