Rabu 16 Apr 2014 13:00 WIB

Analyst: Jokowi discuss vice presidential figure with US Ambassador

Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political analyst of University of Indonesia, Igor Jayabaya believes that a meeting between Joko Widodo (known as Jokowi) and Ambassador of United States(US) Robert O'Blacke discussed the 2014 election and vice presidential figure for Jokowi. The meeting, which was held at a house of businessman, Jacob Soetojo in South Jakarta was also attended by several ambassadors, including Turkey Ambassador, Peru, Mexico, Norway, UK, as well as Chairman of Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"As usual, US will give its supports and influences for a presidential figure also his policies. This is a dictation to Indonesia and US will form its strategic position in Southeast Asia," Jayabaya said recently.

According to him, the discourse of 'the puppet president' for Jokowi could be an effort to seek more support from more large countries in his presidential candidacy. US wanted to get more economic power through Indonesia's natural resources revealed in discovery of tapping case by Edward Snowden.

He added, US wanted Indonesia to join Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. However, all regional free trades always have negative impacts for Indonesia. Hence, Indonesia must aware to what is happening in Ukraine due to US intervention. The big issue behind the fall of President Yanukovich was actually a fight between global energy companies driven by US and TPP countries with members of BRICS led by China and Russia. US always has deadly political maneuvering for countries, which rich in natural resources but not pro-Washington, like Indonesia.

It also associated with US interests as contractor of Freeport Indonesia in Papua and Newmont in East Nusa Tenggara. Jayabaya said that US wanted Southeast Asian countries to open more free trade access to recovery its economy hit hard by crisis. Mutia Ramadhani/Antara

sumber : Antara
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