Rabu 16 Apr 2014 14:40 WIB

Sabu water contaminated with toxic materials

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
According to Red Data list, Irrawady Dolphin or Orcaella brevirostris now is considered vulnerable (illustration).
Foto: itsnature.org
According to Red Data list, Irrawady Dolphin or Orcaella brevirostris now is considered vulnerable (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- Fishermen of Sabu island managed to rescue 20 dolphins stranded at Wuihebo beach, West Sabu district, about 250 mil from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Sabu regent, Raijua Marthen Luther Dira Tome suspected that the dolphins were swept water wave very hard.

"A group of fishermen found that all dolphins were still alive, then immediately help them back into the sea," Tome said recently.

Some time ago, about 40 protected blue whales were discovered stranded and dead at Sabu island. Chairman of West Timor Care Foundation (YPTB), Ferdi Tanoni said that they were possible contaminated due to pollution in their habitats caused Montana oil refinery explosion at Timor sea on August 21, 2009 and there had been no efforts to recover it.

"Sabu water, which is also conservation area and water park has been contaminated with toxic materials that spewed from Montana refinery," Tanoni said.

Based on research of Australian expert, about 90 percent of Indonesian waters in Timor sea have been polluted by crude oil and toxic chemicals spewed from Montana refinery, as well as dispersant materials from Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) that drown oil spill to the seabed.

Hence, recovery efforts and restoration become a necessity that must be carried out by PTTEP Australasia involving marine experts from Australia, Indonesia and other countries. They must carry out a scientific study to determine pollution level.

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