Jumat 25 Apr 2014 07:02 WIB

Total solar eclipse to occur in Bangka

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Nahdlatul Ulama
Foto: abunamira.wordpress.com
Nahdlatul Ulama

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KOBA -- Head Research and Development of Nahdlatul Ulama Committee of Astrology (Lajnah Falakiyah NU), Hendro Setyanto said that total solar eclipse would occur in Central Bangka regency, Bangka Belitung province on March 9, 2016. It will happen at 07.22 AM and Central Bangka is the most strategic place to see it as it has a wide and long beach.

"It will be the second time of total solar eclipse happened in Indonesia after 1988. The orbit is started from Sumatra Island to Sulawesi and Kalimantan," Setyanto said recently.

After the total solar eclipse in 2016, there will be no similar phenomenon until 40 years into the future. The whole Indonesian people can see it, but the center is only in Central Bangka.

According to Setyanto, this natural phenomenon is always attracted local and foreign tourist's attention as it is the most amazing moment to be documented. Local government can take advantage to attract more tourists to come to Bangka Island.

The total solar eclipse can also be seen in West Bangka regency as it also has a long beach. Some people believe some myths or local knowledge in responding the total solar eclipse.

Setyanto added that Lajnah Falakiyah NU had projected some natural phenomena that would occur in next few years using astronomy formula of celestial mechanics. He explained that the total solar eclipse occurred when the moon's disc covered the sun completely.

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