Ahad 27 Apr 2014 20:15 WIB

KPAI launches campaign against sexual abuse

Asrorun Niam Sholeh
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Asrorun Niam Sholeh

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Commission for Child Protection (KPAI) held a rally in Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta, on Sunday calling for an end to sexual violence against children.

KPAI Chairman Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh on the occasion made orations and proclaimed the Independence of Indonesian Children from all forms of sexual violence in the event, which was titled "Stop Sexual Violence against Child Campaign."

"The Indonesian people are still colonized by crooks and perpetrators of sexual abuses against children. The nation still serves as a fertile ground for villains and as a paradise for predators who commit their crimes inside strong and tightly protected walls.. Are we prepared to be continuously colonized (by these crooks)?" Niam yelled.

Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Amalia Sari, Indonesian twins activist and psychologist Kak Seto, Mrs Hatta Raja (wife of chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa), the chairman of the Indonesian Women organization Kowani, teachers, students, KPAI commissioners and various people's elements who care for children's fate attended the rally.

"Now is the time for us to wage a war against sexual crime, particularly sexual abuse against children. We should fight against all elements that would trigger sexual violence against children; pornography, free sex, obscene acts, homosexuality and other sexual deviation behaviors," he said.

The KPAI has since of late given serious attention to a sexual abuse case of a child at the Jakarta International School (JIS).

After all, it has discovered another alleged victim of sexual assault at IS in South Jakarta.

"KPAI has received an official report about another alleged victim," KPAI commissioner Putu Elvina said at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Headquarters here Thursday.

Elvina stated that KPAI, the Victim and Witness Protection Institute (LPSK) had come to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Headquarters to trace information about the discovery.

She confirmed that she would report the discovery as new evidence to deepen the investigation in the earlier sexual violence case of a six-year old JIS pre-school child AK.

She could not yet explain in detail about the forms of sexual violence suffered by the new victim as he was still under medication examination.

Elvina pointed out that the new victim had just ascertained the physical violence that he had received at the school.

She added that the new victim was a class mate of AK, the one who was subjected to sexual assaults by the cleaning service workers at the school.

The JIS meanwhile, claimed that it was not aware of the victim's discovery.

"The Jakarta International School has not had enough information about the case," JIS principal Timothy Carr declared, in a written statement received here on Thursday.

"We are now still collecting as much information as possible, including contacting the family of the victim," he added.

He asserted JIS would tell about the issue soon after adequate information had been collected.

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