Kamis 15 May 2014 23:06 WIB

Five Terrorist Suspect Arrested in Klaten

Penangkapan (ilustrasi)
Foto: todayonline.com
Penangkapan (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Police anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 arrested five terrorist suspects in the sub-district of Trucuk, Klaten, in the Central Java province on Thursday.

"We have arrested Arif alias Tomy, Selamet, Rofiq, Arifin and Yusuf. They were arrested following investigation on Rifki and Yahya alias Salim," the head of the public relations division of the National Police Command, Inspector General Frangky Sompie, told Antara here on Thursday.

He said Densus 88 had also confiscated dozens of firearms and sharp weapons at a repair shop in Trucuk, including 15 caliber 7mm gas rifles, two caliber 7mm gas handguns, a crossbow, an arrow, five long swords, six medium swords, 25 throw knives and bomb-making manuals.

"We are taking preventive measures against the development of terrorism in different regions in Indonesia, by following the activities of members of terrorism syndicates who have been arrested before," he added.

Rommy said Densus 88 had also arrested a number of people believed to have been involved in terrorism activities, including those linked to security disruptions in Poso, Central Sulawesi, before.

On Monday, May 12, Densus 88 arrested Rifki alias Bondan alias Royan at the Taman Selera Pantura restaurant in Indramayu, West Java, at around 1.30 p.m.

The suspect is included in the list of people wanted by the police in connection with a bombing incident in Tentena, Poso, in 2005, and is also an alumnus of a Moro terrorism training camp in the Philippines.

On Tuesday, May 13, the squad arrested Ramuji alias Kapten alias Ahmad on Jalan Belimbing Raya in the sub-district of Paciran, Lamongan, East Java at around 1.30 p.m.

The suspect was involved in a terrorism training camp in Poso and was also the camp's logistics supplier.

Later on Wednesday, Densus 88 arrested Salim alias Ustad Yahya in Klaten at 9 p. m. The suspect has been wanted in connection with a bombing incident in Tentena, Poso, in 2005, and was also an alumnus of the Moro training camp in the Philippines. Salim was arrested together with his fellow member known as Setiawan.

"We are still developing the case and also conducting searches in several other regions to prevent terrorist acts in Indonesia," he said.

sumber : Antara
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