Selasa 27 May 2014 20:13 WIB

Personnel rotation heats up Golkar Party

Rep: Erdy Nasrul/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Symbol of Golkar Party (illustration)
Symbol of Golkar Party (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Personnel rotation among representatives of Golkar Party at the parliament is predicted to heat up the party's internal situation. Some fear that such measure can trigger political revenge within the party. 

Recently the chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie, replaced four members of parliament (MPs).  Zainal Bintang as a vice leader of MKRG, an organization under Golkar Party, expressed his concern and considered it as undemocratic and autocratic. Some of them, Bintang said, had been loyal to the party for more than 30 years.

"Golkar family has been torn down and i'm afraid this situation will lead to retaliation," Bintang said on Tuesday. 

Bintang reminded that un the past, personnel firing became a trademark of Golkar Party's chief advisor, Akbar Tanjung. In 2004 Tanjung fired senior politician Fahmi Idris after Idris declaring support to different candidate pairs. 

Now Golkar Party's cadres are split into two groups, one group support Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa and the other group tends to Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. Bintang said that personnel firing, taking over organization, and isolation towards certain cadres shadowed the party's prospect in the future. 

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