Kamis 05 Jun 2014 10:09 WIB

Twenty three teachers of JIS to be deported on Friday

Rep: Bilal Ramadhan/Diah Ratna Meta Novia/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Jakarta International School (JIS)
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Jakarta International School (JIS)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - South Jakarta Immigration Office confirmed to deport 23 foreign teachers at Jakarta International School (JIS) on Friday. Head of South Jakarta Immigration Office, Maryoto Sumadi said that he had investigated 26 teachers at the school and 23 of them committed fraud on permission to stay document.

"The deportation will be conducted on Friday, June 6. The 23 teachers have agreed to be deported," Sumadi said on Wednesday.

The teachers are from United States, Australia, United Kingdom and South Africa. Two immigration officers will escort them to the airport.

"Foreign teachers must complete their work permits before they work in Indonesia," Sumadi said. 

Meanwhile, a member of parliament, Ahmad Yani, criticized the deportation plan. "If they commited fraud on permission to stay document, they must be proceed according to the law," the MP of Commission III at the House of Representative said. 






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