Senin 16 Jun 2014 14:08 WIB

Jokowi's team report people behind Obor Rakyat to police

Rep: Wahyu Syahputra/Mutia Ramadhan/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Copies of Obor Rakyat (file photo)
Copies of Obor Rakyat (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A team of lawyers for presidential candidate Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) has reported two people behind Obor Rakyat, SB and DS, to police on Monday. Both allegedly have launched smear campaign towards Jokowi through the tabloid. 

"This is not only about Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto as presidential candidates, but also about spreading hatred and issues related to SARA (in Indonesia it stands for (ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup affiliations). One of them (SB) claimed he has a connection to a presidential staffer," Jokowi's lawyer, Taufik Basari said on Monday.

Basari hopes the police will pursue people involved in the case including behind the printing and fundraising. The team is waiting for clarification from the State of Palace after SB claimed ti have connection to Andi Arief (special staffer to the President for natural disasters and social assistance) and Velix Wanggai (President’s expert on regional autonomy). Earlier, presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha denied the claim.

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