Selasa 15 Jul 2014 17:54 WIB

Seven parties sign agreement to cement Prabowo's permanent coalition

Rep: Irfan Fitrat/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Seven political parties' elites under Red and White coalition pose after signing agreement in Jakarta, Monday.
Foto: Aditya Pradana Putra/Republika
Seven political parties' elites under Red and White coalition pose after signing agreement in Jakarta, Monday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Seven political parties sign agreement to cement permanent coalition under Prabowo Subianto, one of two presidential candidates. 

The parties' elites signed an agreement at Proclamation Monument in Central Jakarta on Monday. Vice Chairman of Gerindra Party, Fadli Zon said that the permanent coalition would be applied in parliament and government cabinet. 

"We are optimistic to win this election, so that we can be productive. We will be strong in parliament," Zon said recently.

Beside Gerindra Party, the Red and White coalition consists of National Mandate Party (PAN), Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), United Development Party (PPP), Golkar Party and Crescent Star Party (PBB). Democratic Party recently decided to join the coalition but the party did not send its representative to the signing ceremony. Recently, Golkar Party was rumored to swift position if Prabowo-Hatta failed to sit in presidential chair. 

"It is only a hypothetic, just wait and see. We have the same vision and I'm sure this coalition will be more stable in future," Zon said.

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