Rabu 30 Jul 2014 15:26 WIB

Six homebound travelers die in road accidents during Eid holidays

Motorcyclists swarm the road during Eid holidays. (File photo)
Motorcyclists swarm the road during Eid holidays. (File photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Jakarta Regional Police Department "Metro Jaya" has revealed that six travelers returning home to celebrate Eid al Fitr died in road mishaps during July 22-29, 2014 in Jakarta.

"Most of them were motorcyclists," Head of Traffic Directorate's Law Enforcement Adjunct Senior Commissioner Hindarsono stated on Wednesday.

During the special traffic safety operation termed "Ketupat Jaya", the police recorded 53 traffic accidents, in which 21 people suffered heavy injuries and 40 people had minor injuries. The road accidents lead to material losses worth 106.45 million IDR.

The police issued 5,051 traffic violation tickets. They also warned 5,076 people, who were largely motorcyclists and had not worn helmets and were carrying more than the required capacity of passengers.

As of now, the Metro Jaya Police is on standby to secure the return exodus of Eid holiday travelers. In accordance with the Eid tradition in Indonesia, people travel to their native places to visit their families, thereby resulting in a huge exodus from the cities to hometowns.

The joint-security force of the Metro Jaya Police, Indonesian Military, public works company "Jasa Marga," and the Jakarta Provincial government has deployed 7,226 personnel to conduct the "Ketupat Jaya" operation between July 22 and August 6, 2014.

sumber : Antara
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