Selasa 02 Sep 2014 16:03 WIB

House speaker predicts PDIP consistently reject fuel price hikes

Marzuki Alie
Foto: antara
Marzuki Alie

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - House Speaker Marzuki Alie is confident that the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) will be consistent in its long-standing stance to reject subsidized fuel oil price hikes.

Marzuki said on Monday that he supported the viewpoint of PDIP, which said it would use creative means to increase budget efficiency, increase revenues through taxes, such as liquor tax and collection of accounts receivable from other countries, apart from reducing fuel subsidies.

"I am certain about their consistent refusal to cut fuel subsidy, and of course, I along with all the people of Indonesia will support PDIP's measures to tackle the budget deficit," he stressed.

He is also certain that the party will take all creative steps without having to cut fuel subsidies for the people of Indonesia such as increasing budget efficiency, tax revenues, among several other measures.

Increasing fuel prices, as currently voiced by the PDIP elite, should be the last option, not the first one, to address the deficit, according to Marzuki.

"If all efforts to tackle the deficit have been made but no other choice is left, then it is fine (to raise fuel prices)," he pointed out.

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