Rabu 03 Sep 2014 14:17 WIB

Electricity tariff to be evaluated

Rep: Andi Mohammad Ikba/C88/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Jokowi JK
Jokowi JK

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The economic team of Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and Jusuf Kalla will evaluate the increase of electricity tariff. People are already burdened with recent increases in electricity tariff and gas prices. The increase also contributes to the inflation rate because energy is a component of production.

Head of Jokowi-JK Economic Team, Arif Budimantan explained that he would re-calculate the electricity tariff based on production cost. The team will carry out an audit process to get an efficient cost.

"We will carry out an evaluation. The electricity tariff has been increased several times. It burdens our people," Budimanta said recently.

The new electricity tariff was started on Monday this week. It was the first of three stages by the end of the year. Government and members of House of Representatives in June agreed to rise the tariff as it was expected to save the state owned electricity company or PLN's expenditure up to 8.5 trillion IDR.

R-1 costumers with 1,300 volt ampere (VA) of electricity capacity will experience an increase of 11.36 percent per two months. Tariff for households (R-1) with 2,200 VA of electricity capacity will increase 10.43 percent per two months, while households (R-2) with 3,500-5,500 VA of electricity capacity about 5.7 percent.

Taroff for government costumers (P-2) with more than 200 kilo volt ampere (kVa) of electricity capacity will increase 5.36 percent, industrial costumers (I-3, non-listed company) 11.57 percent, as well as street lighting (10.69 percent). Medium industrial-listed companies have been imposed the new tariff in May.

Yuk koleksi buku bacaan berkualitas dari buku Republika ...
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