Kamis 04 Sep 2014 09:22 WIB

Thousands suffer resporatory problem in Lebak

 Respiratory problems
Respiratory problems

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LEBAK -- Bad weather condition in Lebak district, Banten province, has lead thousands of residents to suffer from from acute respiratory tract infections (ISPA), according to local health official.

"We have to stay alert because thousands have suffered from ISPA," Lebak district health department chief for prevention of infectious diseases Firman Rahmatullah said here on Thursday.

He remarked that the district has experienced the dry season that allows many people to suffer from respiratory problem, particularly at the southern part of the district where the construction of a cement factory is underway.

"Besides the bad weather condition, the ashes from the cement factory can also contribute to the respiratory problems," he said, calling on the local community to live a healthy lifestyle and clean living pattern.

Acute respiratory infection is a serious matter that prevents normal breathing function, which usually begins as viral infection in the nose, trachea, or lungs.

If the infection is not treated well, it can spread to the entire respiratory system.

Therefore, Firman has encouraged the local community to be wary of its symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, sore throat, body aches, fatigues, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, low blood oxygen level, and loss of consciousness.

While it is almost impossible to avoid viruses and bacteria, certain risk factors increase the likelihood of developing acute respiratory infection.

The immune systems of children and the elderly are more prone to be affected by viruses. Children are especially at risk because of their constant contact with other kids who could be virus carriers.

"Therefore we will continue to optimize our services in an effort to treat the patients of respiratory problem so that they can get well soon," Firman noted.

"We also ask the people to consume more vitamins and take enough rest to avoid the problem," he went on.

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