Senin 22 Sep 2014 16:26 WIB

Bali expands the organic farming

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Organic farming
Organic farming

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- Bali provincial government expanded the organic farming to develop Bali Clean and Green program and sustainable development. Bali's Head of Department of Agriculture and Food Crops, Ida Bagus Wisnuardana said that the strategy through expanding the integrated farming system activities and the use of organic fertilizer and pesticide.

"We develop the organic farming and environmental friendly," Wisnuardana said on Sunday.

In 2014, local government adds 100 units of integrated farming sistem with budget of 20 billion IDR, increased from 15 billion IDR and 75 units in the last year. Each unit received 200 million IDR to support various activities of agricultural development programs.

The integrated farming system in Bali has been developed since 2009 and now the number reached 504 units in 8 districts and 1 city. Every unit develops cattle breeding and processing livestock waste into organic fertilizer to meet the needs of farmers in their respective communities.

Government facilitated the organic fertilizer processing equipment and building a pilot project house. The efforts are expected to realize organic agriculture while supporting Bali to become a clean and green island.

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