Jumat 26 Sep 2014 09:00 WIB

Jokowi asked to revise seven adverse policies in maritim sector

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The People's Coalition for Fisheries Justice (KIARA) hopes that the elected president, Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo will revise seven adverse policies in maritime sector. The policy threatens the lives of traditional fishermen in Indonesia.

"In the last two years, marine and fisheries policies, which are produced by government and parliament threaten the live of fishermen," Kiara's Law and Policy Advocacy Division, Marthin Hadiwinata said in Jakarta on Thursday.

The seven policies only supported foreign interests and discriminated local fishermen. The policy will pose a threat against coastal communities and threaten the sustainability of coastal resources and small islands.

"We expect the new government to review these policies, because our local fishermen will be more difficult to collect fish in the sea and improve their welfare and families," Hadiwinata added.

According to him, the seven policies and programs will widen fishermen poverty and small-scale fishermen, while the owner of the ship enjoying the government's facilitating programs. Government continues to encourage industrialization of fisheries, but makes a gap with small fishermen.

The seven policies are:

1. Law No. 18/2012 on Food, which replaces Law No. 7/1996 on Food

2. Amandement of Law No. 27/2007 on Management for Coastal Areas and Small Islands, which was passed by the House on December 18, 2013.

3. Presidential Decree No. 122/2012 on Coastal and Small Island Reclamation.

4. Ministerial Regulation No. PER.30/MEN/2012 on Coastal Fishing Efforts

5. Ministerial Regulation No. 18/PERMEN-KP/2013 of the third amandement to Ministerial Regulation No. Per.02/Men/2011 on Fishing Lane and Placement of Fishing Tools and Auxiliary Fishing Tools in the Fishery Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia.

6. Ministerial Regulation No. 17/PERMEN-KP/2013 on Licensing Procedures for Reclamation of Coastal Areas and Small Islands.

7. Ministerial Regulation No. 10/PERMEN-KP/2013 on Fishing Vessel Monitoring System.

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