Senin 06 Oct 2014 22:30 WIB

MPR postpones its leader's election

Members of People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) convene to prepare MPR's leadership election on Monday. The election will proceed on Tuesday.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Members of People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) convene to prepare MPR's leadership election on Monday. The election will proceed on Tuesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), comprising members of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), has decided to postpone the election of its leadership to Tuesday (October 7).

A member of the Indonesia Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP) faction in the DPR, Arya Bima, said here on Monday that the decision was made upon the request of the DPD, which has yet to nominate a candidate for the MPR leadership.

The six factions that were in favor of the postponement were the PDIP, the National Awakening Party (PKB), the National Democratic Party (Nasdem), the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United Development Party (PPP). They are all members of the Great Indonesian Coalition (KIH), with the exception of PKS and PPP.

The four that were against the postponement were the Golkar Party, the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), the Democratic Party (PD) and the National Mandate Party (PAN). All are the members of the Red and White Coalition (KMP). 

According to rumors, the KMP candidates are either Syarief Hasan or Nurhayati Assegaf from PD, Mayudin from Golkar, Hidayat Nur Wahid from PKS, Zulkifli Hasan from PAN and a candidate from DPD.

Moreover, the KIH candidates are rumored to include one from DPD, Syarief Hasan from PD, Agun Gunanjar from the Golkar Party, Ahmad Basarah from PDIP and Bachtir Aly from Nasdem.

Moreover, the KMP recently secured leadership of the DPR, with Setya Novanto of the Golkar Party appointed as the house speaker. Furthermore, under the old system, the winner of the elections would automatically be elected chairman of the DPR leadership. 

However, ahead of the DPR leadership election, the KMP had successfully passed a law requiring election of DPR leadership, according to which the winner of the legislative elections will not automatically become the chairman. This is why the election of the MPR leadership is crucial for PDIP, which had won the legislative elections on April 9.

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