Rabu 15 Oct 2014 17:26 WIB

Telkomsel operates 3G services in Papua-PNG border

Rep: Taufik Rachman/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The largest cell phone operator in Indonesia, PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) operates 3G services in the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG). People can enjoy data services on their mobile phone and access the internet, which is expected to bring wide information to public.

"The 3G operation in the border region of Indonesia and PNG is our commitment to bring mobile broadband to people in various districts and cities, including in the border areas of Republic of Indonesia," Network director of Telkomsel, Abdus Somad Arief said on Wednesday.

Telkomsel wants to accelerate development growth in various sectors in Indonesia where the availability of information through telecommunication technology becomes one important factor. Telkomsel has operated 2G services in the region since Oct 17, 2005.

Indonesia-PNG border has a population of more than 1,200 people. It now has three Telkomsel's Business Telecommunications Services (BTS) consisted of 1 2G BTS and 2 3G BTS that are capable to reach areas of Skow, Wutung and border region.

"We hope that the availability of 3G services will support various military officers who serve on the frontline in maintaining the integrity of Indonesia. It can facilitate communication with their families in various locations throughout Indonesia," Arief said.

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